Gpower 18650 3000mAh (Yellow-black)
Official specifications:
- Capacity: 3000mAh
- MAX Discharge Current: 40A
- CDR (Continuous Discharge Current): 20A
- Voltage: 3.7v
- Material: Li-ion
- Length: 65.30mm
- Diameter: 18.20mm
- Top: Flat top(18mm 65mm)
- Warranty: 12 months
A high capacity high current rated cell.
This chart is a mess, the two cells has different capacity. At 0.2A A was 2435mAh and B was 2749mAh, neither reach the specified 3000mAh
Both cells can handle 15A without getting too hot.
At 20A the B cell gets too hot and I terminate the test.
The B cell cannot handle 30A, the A cell gets too hot after some time.
I do not like these cells, both are below specifications and they are very different.
As 3000mAh high current cells they are bad.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries